6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator 6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator 6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator
6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator 6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator 6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator
6" Israeli trauma bandage / drukverband with pressure applicator
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1 - 3 workdays

€ 7,39 *
Price per unit

Stock : 6

The number of Credit points granted for this product is 7

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- Non-adhesive pad. Eliminates the risk of causing pain and re-opening the wound when removing the dressing.

- Turnstile. Creates direct pressure on the wound site.

- Secondary sterile dressing. Keep the wound area clean, and apply pressure to the wound, including immobilization of the injured body part or limb.

- Closing bar. Closure and fixation of the emergency bandage possible at any point on all parts of the body: no pins or clips, no tape, no Velcro, no buttons.

- Fast and easy application / self-application. Designed for effective crisis management.

- Significant reduction of treatment time in emergency situations.


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Marc - 16-12-2024 15:46

Naar aanleiding van een instructiefilm op Youtube is gebleken dat dit een perfect drukverband zou zijn. Heb dit om die reden aangeschaft. Heb het nog niet moeten gebruiken. Op basis van de reviews en de adviezen van deskundigen kan je er van uitgaan dat dit een doelmatig en kwalitatief hoogstaand product is.

Jan Rudat - 02-08-2022 16:55

Works as intended, this is sure to save your life in an emergency. :)

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