British PLCE Daypack backpack, DPM camo British PLCE Daypack backpack, DPM camo
British PLCE Daypack backpack, DPM camo British PLCE Daypack backpack, DPM camo
British PLCE Daypack backpack, DPM camo
2 Reviews | Add review
Army surplus. Used. In good condition.

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1-3 work days

€ 24,95 *
Price per unit

Stock : 5

The number of Credit points granted for this product is 24

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Army surplus. In good condition.

consists of:
2 backpack side pockets
NSN 8465-99-132-1555
1 suspender
NSN 8465-99-132-1561

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James - 09-06-2022 18:05

Hoog draag comfor in vergelijking met de standaard patrolpacks..past op de oude NLD defensie Berghaus en eerste modelen lowe alpine ..bij de Army modellen werken de ritsen andersom ( van boven naar beneden) tegen het los gaan van de rits

J.P. van den Wittenboer - 09-08-2020 16:23

goed en adequate levering item

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